Sunday, December 30, 2012

Someone must be reading our shit

Goddamn you Judd Apatow. Is there any chance Judd Gale is actually Judd apatow and he's secretly stealing our ideas? This one is right out of the Annisquam playbook. Even the fact that they're all childhood friends. There is also a very similar movie coming out from Simon Pegg that is a comedy about the end of the world. Even that piece of shit with Steve Carrell was getting a little too close to our genius idea. This must be how Kanye feels.

Judd Apatows This is the End Trailer

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

One Shade of Gale


I had never been to a bachelor party before. But I had been drinking like a fish for three weeks by coincidence, so I was feeling physically prepared. I was definitely talking about playoffs. If you can get hung over in Germany, you’re doing something right. The beer there is engineered to keep you hydrated and refreshed all day, all night.

My friend Jason had decided to marry his college girlfriend after about 5 years of dating- two of those years were during college, where he would lock himself in his room and have phone sex and eat hot dogs, while we were outside humping the doorknob and watching “King of Queens.” The bachelor party was definitely probably going to be hopefully something similar to the exact opposite of that.

Dewey Beach, Delaware is the destination for all Washington D.C. and Maryland party-goers during the summer. With a year-round population of 300, the town swells to 30,000 on the weekends. And it’s a special type of person too that comes to Dewey. I told a girl celebrating her 26th birthday there that she was too old and needed to go home, or go home with me. Then her fat friend, “The Enforcer,” rolled up and bounced me out in the middle of me spitting my unusual game.

Dewey Beach has six bars and three restaurants. By restaurants I mean one place serves cheesesteaks, one place serves pizza, and one place has crabs. By bars I mean you don’t wear shoes out to the bars, because the bar floor is covered in sand, beer, people, and other fluids. And you don’t drive anywhere.

Dewey Beach is the place where 50 kids rent a house for one night for a birthday party, and they get matching pink tank tops with check boxes printed on the back next to the names of all six bars, and roam the streets together, checking the bars off each other’s list. I think you only get a check mark if you can leave the bar on your steam, and of your own free will – two things I often have trouble with.

We went with 6 other guys, and everyone had their own bed, which makes your imagination run wild with possibilities that generally never become realities. One of the guys was married, but you definitely wouldn’t have known that during the weekend. He was usually the first guy to break the ice with girls each night, which was actually helpful. Note: Bring one married guy to every bachelor party from now on. We filled the fridge with cases, put our picnic table in the front yard, flanked it with some tiki torches, and went to work at hollering at every girl that walked by.

Our usual topic of conversation was to ask if they had read 50 Shades of Gray. I come here to tell you that every girl has read 50 Shades of Gray, and if she hasn’t, she is a guy, and is still lying. This is a brave new world where girls like to get spanked and choked and go to trashy bars and get trashy with trashy dudes, or at least read about it and dream about it.

Every night we would pregame with about 10-15 Bud Lights each, depending on how well we were playing at Baseball, and then we would all roll out together, where I would abandon the bachelor as quickly as possible, and strike my claims. The 49er in me is strong when fueled by Bud Light.

When I was in Germany last month, all I wanted to do was booty dance – also known as bumping and grinding, or freaking. It’s just about my favorite thing in the world to do, and I had a lot of trouble with the European girls. To me, it seemed like I couldn’t just roll up to any old bitty – in fact, I was literally shooed away by a few of them. One of them even roared at me like a dragon.

Coming home to America, it’s like saddling up in the basement again. Right off the bat, the biggest girl in the bar walked up to me. I admit, I was probably giving her the ojos locos as I like to call them.

“My friend dared me to make out with you,” she whispered really loudly in my mouth.

This reminded me of a line I heard in college, where a girl leaned and told me she’d never made out with a dude with a beard before.

Who am I to deny a pleasant young lass her dreams coming true on a magical evening by the beach?

I think this was the moment that tipped off to the rest of the bachelor party that I was not fucking around this weekend. The rest of them were chasing the top-notch talent, and I’ve had enough of that bullshit.

My new bubbly buddy tried desperately for me to write down her phone number, but my number one rule on vacation is no phones. They usually get destroyed in the ocean, or you end up calling chicks that you probably shouldn’t call.

She disappeared, and I found a nice Asian girl. We had a great time dancing – all the bars have live bands that only play 90’s cover songs; it’s Disneyland for our generation – but of course, I lost her once she started telling me how drunk she was, and how she really shouldn’t go home with me. It’s not that I’m gun shy; it’s just that I like the thrill of the hunt too much.

I also met an amazing Black girl. The last time I had danced with a black chick, I was in Memphis in the midst of a crazy “living on a futon and living off of Miller High-Life” bender looking every bit of my 230 lbs., and rocking a beard that made me look like I should be noodling on a History Channel show. That Memphis Belle gave me about 30 seconds before she made me go dance with a big white girl in an orange T-Shirt. She was curious at first, but that seems to be all I can summon out of most chicks.

This new girl was so sweet – she listened to my lament about how I’m never going to bang a black chick. She showed me how to lean with it and rock with it; the trick is you gotta go a little slower sometimes. She even taught me how to grab a handful of black booty; the trick there is to have bigger hands. And at the end, she assured me that one day, I would lay with an Ebony queen. Just not with her. I guess I was going home alone.

Luckily, we had a new guest when I arrived at home. Steve had gotten through a back door of the house that we didn’t even know we had, desperately trying to find his real house. He knew which street he lived on, and was going door to door asking people (from inside their homes) if he lived there. Unfortunately, the cops came and decided that Steve’s bed was going to be the drunk tank for the evening. He was a nice guy though, for the time I got to spend with him.


After a grueling 6 hour round of golf (two people were playing for the first time), we got back to work. We spent the afternoon drinking three bottles of whiskey- Oban, Glenmorangie, and Johnny Walker Blue Label. I highly recommend the Oban in particular; I even more highly recommend drinking Bud Lights in between glasses of primo hootch. It gives the whole operation an air of disrespectful classiness, like button-up tanktops and astroturf flip-flops.

Usually, this would be the point of the afternoon/evening where I wake up the next day bruised and bloodied- and something nearby has been peed on. But something kept me in the game. Something kept the lights on upstairs. Perhaps it was a miracle. Perhaps it was the tolerance that I learned from ancient German sages the week before. Or perhaps it was the call of the siren I would soon meet.

Bottle and Cork in Dewey Beach, Delaware is the best bar in town, and probably the world, because of three things: the drinks, the floor, and the Jam Session. They have crazy slushy machines for the girls, and buckets of beers for the dudes. Most of the drinks, along with a lot of other stuff, end up on the floor, so by osmosis, you get even more drunk standing in booze. (Don’t wear shoes to this place.) But Jam Session brings it all home. Jam Session is Dewey Beach at its finest.

During Jam Session, you get a bunch of cover bands that become rock stars. They play your favorite Blink 182 and Third Eye Blind songs, and they only play the best parts of each song, which is also most likely the only part of the song you can sing along to. 60 minutes, 60 songs, 60 drinks. The energy at these bars is unlike anything I’ve felt. And then I felt the siren.

I have noticed that, in my brief time in the game, I am attracted to larger girls, and they tend to reciprocate this attraction. Sometimes they accost me on the street, other times it is I that is the accoster. Sometimes I’m chasing them around the bar, other times they are chasing me through a McDonald’s. But the thrill of hunting big game is something of which I cannot get enough.

This girl wasn’t that big; she was just well-fed and didn’t like exercise. She was dressed in the outfit that all these kinds of girls like to wear – the one where your big ass titties are hanging out. She also wearing the gold glasses that look like window blinds (I found out later that those were her night shades; she wears the silver ones during the day). I was smitten. I swear the dance floor parted like the Red Sea and it was only me and her. I ditched the bachelor party again and went in for the thrill.

I ended up dancing with this girl for about an hour, during which she and I spent a lot of time touching each other’s things. We basically went through a whole relationship in a night – started out real sloppy and loose, tightened it up into something very loving and supportive and gentle, then got nasty, and then we were both tired of each other. We left the dance floor, and I started throwing ice cubes into her bra. She asked me why I didn’t live closer to her, so I decided to walk her home and wrap it up.

Of course, all of a sudden she decided she was too classy for that, so I told her I had to go home and jerk off. But before we parted ways, she gave me her number. To be more precise, she gave me her card. To be even more precise, she gave me the opposite of a business card, unless this was her business.

Looking back, I should have known better. I’ve met this kind of girl before; I was just blinded by the boobies and the bling. I knew a girl in college who wore a necklace with her name on it. My assumption was that when you were on top of her and you forgot her name, you could just look down and get right back in the game. It’s almost thoughtful. My girl this night had her name on her cell phone home screen. It was definitely helpful. It was the first time where the girl forgot my name, and I remembered hers.

I took her card, and went home, hopeful that maybe I could tug and rally, and catch a late break in the evening at closing time. I was also hopeful that maybe I could call her tomorrow and pick up where I left off. Then I got back to the house and was hopeful that I wouldn’t die.

We had another new friend this evening, who also wanted to stay at our place, and had brought a kitchen knife to prove he belonged. We all walked away slowly, and waited outside for the cops to magically appear, which happens a lot in Dewey. It was amazing how quickly the cops showed up put this guy’s pussy to the pavement, with the good ol’ knee to the neck for effect.

I explained to the cops that he was just a drunk kid chopping onions on our picnic table (we had been grilling earlier and hadn’t totally cleaned up) but their standing operating procedure is just to bust heads and fill up the paddy wagon. Dewey Beach had its first murder in its history earlier this summer, and the cops were already on high alert in general, as they are in all party towns. In fact, in the summers, they just hire any old kid in the nearby county who couldn’t cut it as a lifeguard or a water ice salesman and give them a badge and a gun. I’m just amazed that no one wanted to arrest me the whole weekend.


We finally made it to the beach on Day 3. It was nice, water was warm, big waves and stuff. As it turns out, it’s not a priority for most of our generation at Dewey Beach. So we left and went out drinking again.
My plan was to hunt down my little chickadee from the previous night, but after a text message conversation with her that went along like two kids humping a swinging kitchen door from either side –

Me: What are you up to tonight?
Her: Hammered u
Me: Perfect
Her: I’m awesome
Me: I’m in the lighthouses
Her: I’m in the wabes

- I decided to carry on without her.

That night - I’ll be honest - I didn’t have it. I tried to go after the upper echelon hos, and they were not impressed. Maybe three days and 100 Bud Lights had run me ragged, but I was not feeling the love. I think maybe the lights were too bright in the bar, or maybe the bar was too nice in general, but my classic move of “sneak up behind you or front of you and just start grinding” just wasn’t playing.

So I left and went to another bar. Really I went outside and just started stumbling around. I was drawn by the twang in the air. I’m not sure what happened, but the next thing I know, I was in a hoedown. In the midst of all the club rap and gangdam pop was small underground Fight Club-style operation where tens of old people were all do-si-doing the night away. Sometimes it’s easy to forget that the south is everywhere. There was a live band, heel tapping, and square dancing, and I think a guy was blowing on an empty moonshine jug.

My memory is a little hazy at this point, but I’m pretty sure everyone in there thought I was the coolest person in the world. I was grabbing every old lady in sight to boogie down with me. I had all the divorcees in the house going “Yee Haw!” The midnight cowboy had his swagger back.

I returned to the first bar with that killer vigor and slayed for the rest of the evening. Everyone was so happy to have me dance with them. Grateful types were in abundance opening their warmth to me. Other observers may tell a different story, but I know what I saw, and what I felt, and it was definitely large happy women. But, slowly, surely, the night wore down, and I had to leave the bar and put a bow on the weekend. 

So I jumped in the ocean and fingered a homeless Mexican until the sun came up and I got hungry.

Friday, September 28, 2012

Its the little things

The one and only photo that hasn't been blocked off the Blumpkin Reading Material..

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

Entrance essay

I'm writing a 250 word essay about my profesional goals for an adult undergrad program at endicott. Any suggestion/corrections would be greatly appreciated.

My professional goals are that of any other high school dropout. Succeed in any way possible. I didn't choose my profession, it is one that was available to me and I took it. After spending two years floating in various teaching institutions, I realized that full time education was not for me. I dropped out and began working for my father's small yacht yard as an outboard engine mechanic. I've worked there for six years and am very content with my job, but in the past year have found myself wanting more out of my career and myself. I wish to apply to an adult undergraduate business program in order to further my education in the hopes of one day taking over for my father in our family business. Though I have a strong understanding of the day to day operations of the business and personnel, I hope to advance my knowledge of subjects like accounting and computer science. These are important skills when thinking about running any business, and frankly, they are skills in which I have not been able to learn in day to day life. My hope is that by continuing my education, I can better prepare myself for future challenges. I do not plan to be a full time student, but rather a part time student, taking only classes that will better prepare me for the challenges of being a small business owner. This program sounds like a good fit for someone who wants to further their education and build a better foundation for their future career and I am very interested in both.

Thursday, August 16, 2012

More big money bill

How many jobs you got man? Browsing through some articles on tax reform and found this...

"It would be the opposite of 'kicking the can down the road,' which is what Congress has done in the past and has been roundly criticized by experts and others," William G. Gale, co-director at the Urban-Brookings Tax Policy Center, wrote in an analysis. "It is the only way to get a deficit reduction package that is fairly balanced between spending cuts and revenue increases."

Big money bill, kicking the can down the road. Sounds like a rap song.

Tuesday, June 12, 2012

Sunday, May 20, 2012

More Aliens....Just kidding...but not really.

Well the good news is that if the aliens from Battleship ever invade us, we don't have to worry. They're a huge bunch of pussies.

Other than that it was pretty gay. Even the big tittied blonde. They did manage to include sentences like, "Fire missles, A32!" .....dramatic pause....... ,"Damn, Miss! Fire A33!"........"We sunk their battleship!" Then Rhianna would say something black like, "Oh No! Not in my neighborhood, son!" Also the aliens had spiky goatees, no joke. Lizard people with spiky goatees.

On another note, I don't know if you still love to sample crazy strings and sounds, but if you do I found these through the amazing app called Pandora. I give them so many thumbs up and down, they dont know what i like. I like to keep them guessing.

Check This Bad Boy Out for some great strings, early and also around the 2 min mark.

Listen to this for 7 seconds, is that the Kanye Sound?

Also, you need to keep stealing movies. if we dont watch them, who will? I liked a good ole fashion orgy. nice to see someone still making comedys. also their parties remind me of annisquam, the whole movie takes place from memorial day to labor day.

Thursday, May 17, 2012

Aliens and secret government shit

I liked this article about Jaden Smith and Obama hanging out, but the last line in particular caught my eye.

The U.S. government has no evidence that any life exists outside our planet, or that an extraterrestrial presence has contacted or engaged any member of the human race. In addition, there is no credible information to suggest that any evidence is being hidden from the public's eye.
The statement goes on to acknowledge that while the existence of alien life is probable, given the distances between stars and planets, it's highly unlikely we would ever make contact with extra terrestrials.

How funny is it that there are all these crazy  things in life that the government has a plan for. Like is there an operation "Jurrasic Park"? The government probably can't confirm or deny that there may or may not be a secret military branch developing anti-dinosaur weaponry in case of rouge theme park islands. Does this secret government alien planning committee have like good and bad plans? Like if they're friendly, its plan ET and if not plan Independence Day. I kinda hope they do, because filmakers have given them a pretty good idea of what they could expect. What is the point of making shit like War of the Worlds if not to prepare the masses aka tom cruise for an alien attack? And we know that cuddly aliens like peanut m and ms, which is good. 

Friday, May 4, 2012

Guess what I enjoyed seeing more today?

However, I must say that the movie is the best Hulk movie ever made. For that, it's probably worth seeing. But I really think I'm getting too old for superheroes. 

They did show a preview for a movie called "Crooked Arrows" and I could have sworn it was a fake trailer. It's the same feeling I got about halfway through the preview for "Expendables 2." 

I guess we can hold out for "Prometheus" and "Batman" and hope for the best. Even "Brave" looks like a dud. 

"Time goes on, now the summer's .... gone."

Thursday, May 3, 2012

The Life and Times of BGeezie

After sorting through 300+ assorted beats, I have come up with 3 categories; First the 10 I would make a mix tape of. Names may be old or incorrect

1. Alone Together
2. Fine Mah Somehing
3. Hip Hop Taught Me
4.Left Back Thinking
5. Live without Ya
6. Trouble Go Gone
7. Misbelieved-before Luke
8.We done did everthing else
9.Wishing you Well
10. well for ten, I would pick any of the second category

Second, what I'd call the Notable Roots, songs that bring me back to smokin blunts and getting sunburned.

Mmm Hmmmm
Needs Now
Look the other way feat bornoSTA
the like boat
Lounge Sound
Ready to the End
On the sleep tip
Too Soulful
Im Playing Dominos
My Hallowed
Felt Jungle
Made more sense last night
50 goes snorkling
rugged thump
Lonely boy

The third category is for the god awful beats that i will one day play at your wedding, just to keep you from getting to high on your horse.

Open Nuts
Peanut Butter Jelly Time
and of course.....Church Day pt 2.........DONNAANNNAAADAANAAA!!

2Pac RIP

2Pac was alive a long time ago in a galaxy far away.

Wednesday, April 18, 2012

Video Games!

In honor of my new-found love for video games, here's a great new video that makes us laugh and laugh while we're at work.

Saturday, March 17, 2012

Any thoughts?

I thought this might be a good incentive to get you out here a week earlier... Lemme know if you have any thought on what I could add to this idea. I just sent out this invite to 40 known sailors on facebook.

True fact: There are only 2 Nomads existing in Annisquam. They have just been added to the EM List, Endangered Model. Won't you show your support for these ancient relics, and participate in the Nomad Memorial Regatta?

Entrance is free, however be advised, the event is BYOB so prepare accordingly. The format will be a two day round robin, with a finals to be held on the afternoon of the second day. Racing will be from 10-3ish, with a grill out at the Bent's Boathouse to follow racing. Each team of the 3 that enters should be prepared to bring their A-game as there will be prizes for racing AND showman-ship. Dates and Times are flexible as this is just a crew call to see who would be interested, but I was thinking late August. Weekend of the 18th. The weekend before the Bluefish Tournament.

Friday, March 2, 2012

On Yahoo's Top Must-See Videos

"Lindsey Lohan confesses to growing up"

All I know is that I'm never confessing.

Thursday, March 1, 2012

I laughed

Not sure if you caught this one after the oscars, but i thought it was pretty humorous.
Also, cy's friend nat faxon won for best adapted screenplay, but i liked him best in that bud light commercial. probably because i havent watched the descendants yet. i was going to try and watch it tonight, but i think sammy g is coming over and i think i have a better chance at him watching tin tin. or maybe hugo.

also, kayla and i watched the first episode of "awake" last night. it's this new show on nbc about multiple timelines, and im pretty sure they stole the idea from me, after i stole it from lost and this video game i played when i was younger called "chrono cross". in my version, a kid almost dies when hes 4 and it sets up two separate timelines, one where he lives and one where he doesn't. When that kid turns 18, he gets the ability to visit the other timeline, the one where he died at age 4, so no one recognizes him or knows who he is. I thought it would be cool to set up a world where, even though the kid isn't very significant, everything is different, just from not having him around. Things would be similar, but very different, meaning some characters would get to act twice, but as different versions of themselves.

Monday, February 27, 2012

The Dark Passenger

After reading this article, it made me feel very nostalgic, and a little more self-aware than I appreciated, but in the end, I grew as a person.

I'm trying to think of other additions. In particular,

- I think always being visible is a big one. Your host must not, ever, think that he has the place to himself, or else he will remember what that felt like and insist on having it back.

- I think, also, always being smelt should go along with this. You need to be as familiar as possible in another man's home, and that includes changing the aroma of the residence. Destroy all semblance of the previous ways.

- Being heard is a toss-up. It certainly helps fight the loneliness for your host, having a warm, jovial voice echoing through the halls, but snoring all through the night isn't going to endear yourself to an extended stay.

- One grand gesture a week, preferably at the lowest point in the relationship, is a great way to buy yourself some more time. Do the dishes, take out the trash, let your host have the remote for once, maybe save that last little bit of booze instead of using it as mouthwash. It's the out of the ordinary stuff that will remind your host of why he thought it would be a good idea to have you there in the first place.

Sunday, February 26, 2012

Damn Monkeys

This could be a great way for the disease to spread and turn everyone into ghost pirates.

Monkeys infecting everyone - just like in Outbreak. It's too bad they already made a Planet of the Apes prequel, because this is how it's really going to happen.

Friday, February 17, 2012

Don't Cage me Bro

You know someone doesn't have a job when the blog is poppin off.

Ever since watching Con Air in Tahoe last month, I've really been getting soft on old Nic Cage again. He really is the man- there is no other actor quite like him. And in the long, cold days of Channing Tatum, the nerd from Avatar, and Spiderman reboots, that is much needed.

I first saw this clip, and almost cried.

But when you get to see something like this, it wipes the tears away, only to dump a bucket more on you.

Thanks, NIC!

Possible back story for the Life Caddy

Or the Liftie, the launchie, the Cousins go into the woods to hunt him and get the bounty to break even in Vegas

Thursday, February 16, 2012

Drunk and Drunker

Maybe that opening scene feels like it's going to be a flashforward of the ending of the movie, but then it turns out it flashing forward to 30 minutes into the movie.

Then they wake up from their hangovers and they're in the middle of the desert, but they figure that it's totally hopeless, so they decide to start a new life right there, when civilization is literally just down the road. They just view it as a sign that this is what happens when you party too hard in Vegas. Grandpappy told them a story about how he and Proctie partied too hard in Vegas, and they ended up on a spirit walk in the desert, which is what turned his life around. Of course, at some point they'll find Proctie's Log, detailing the trip that they decide to reenact.

oh and

I like the name Land Shark- I think that's appropriate. But quit stealing my ideas about jumping into the water to avoid the shark.

I think the guy with the beanie should still be shirtless in boardshorts- just wearing the beanie on the beach like kids wear them at the bar in Tahoe.

I gotta go watch Jaws again, and Deep Blue Sea, and ... Megashark? other shark movies to build up some good ammo.

I think the gag works better if maybe after they're under the water, one of them runs out of air and has to pop his head up, and then he goes below the surface and his head is gone. I'm imagining that these guys construct a crazy snorkeling rig to traverse underwater.


I'm not sure what I'm dreaming of- probably just a good excuse to grow out the beard again. Today, though, I realized the power of the three SSS's. Much like GTL, but I feel like it's pregaming for GTL.


And then the fourth S, Shot.

It's amazing how much better you can feel about anything once you take care of the necessities. I think I like the woods, the desert, because they are known unknowns. The bottom of the ocean is sweet, but I can't get there, and i can't live there. But out in the woods, anything can happen, and sometimes it's happening right in your own backyard. Just going on a good hike makes you feel like a man.

Maybe it's that feeling of responsibility about wilderness that I'm responding to. Maybe it's about getting in touch with your ancestors. Or maybe it's about fighting some wolves with broken beer bottles.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012

Drunk: The Hangover Prequel

The three boys in Vegas should be the intro scene. Three cousins, who clearly hate eachother at this point and time, putting up their large inheritance on a single hand of blackjack. One should win, the other should lose and the last (sammy?) should double down and lose double his investment, maybe ending up in debt which would lead to a move to the woods. However, im a little concerned, all your ideas recently have involved moving into the woods. Are you dreaming of Vermont?

Shark Week the movie

So is this movie about a group of shark hunters, searching for the rarest of all, the land shark? Maybe we only get flashes of the tail, a few mauled seals, maybe a couple amputees until the final confrontation. I would like to see some Jaws parallels, like a bearded guy in a beanie and an old man teamed up with a scientist. What would be funny is that the only place to hide from this shark would be in the water. Instead of the Jaws-style, everyone running out of the water; You have everyone run into the water while the shark chases. "Shark! Quick! Everyone into the water!"

Shark Week: The Movie

I'd like to make a trailer for this over the summer using your shark. I think also a movie trailer could make a great music video.

Shots I have in mind:
Camera underwater looking for shark, and then the camera pops up out of the water, and the shark slowly creeps by.
Maybe another underwater shot, where we see the body of the swimmer, and then we go up, and their head has been bitten off!
Hero doing the Baywatch slo-mo run, but my camera doesn't have a slo mo feature, so they'll have to pretend
Someone playing drums on the beach- with a real drum kit.
Setting those Chinese lanterns into the sky, which is what awakens the mighty Shark.
And course, a lot of scenes where sexy girls are screaming and everyone's jumping into the water to escape "Get into the ocean!"

Blowing granpappy's inheritance in Vegas

I was watching a TV show yesterday about Zion National Park, which is about two hours east of Vegas, and I thought it could be a really cool destination.

I think the three boys should all go to Vegas- each with different reasons
Sammy has always watched the Vegas movies
Billy had the gateway girl get him addicted to that world
Bennett's in town for a medical convention

There can definitely be that conflict between the groups. Two of them together is okay, but it never works out when the three of them get together.

Then they decide to gamble the inheritance- whether they win or lose, I don't know.

But really what I'm more interested in then, is that the three guys decide to go to Zion and live in a National Park. Really cut loose. I like that idea of the first 30 minutes taking place in Vegas, and the last hour being in total nature.

What happens in Zion? Maybe one of them dies, maybe something worse, or maybe they find each other and become very spiritually fulfilled.

But the idea of building something out of nothing (Vegas) and then doing the opposite of that (gambling) and taking that philosophy into the wilderness and seeing what happens. 127 Hours maybe, or Alive, or The Grey, or Wanderlust and they meet a bunch of hippies.

I think the gambling is the impetus, not the climax. I think you're right- it feels better. When you have nothing, then you can really start over. And some people go to Vegas to get everything, and others go to get rid of everything.

Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Sunday, February 12, 2012

Crackers in Vegas

These first two were damn expensive.

This one wasn't cheap either.

That right there is priceless.

Monday, February 6, 2012

Upward and Onward

And now, for some thoughts on the Super Bowl...

ZooMass represent


I don't think I want to live in a world where Battleship the Movie exists.

I feel similarly about GI Joe 2, although, it looks like how GI Joe 1 should have been.

What's up David Beckham? You've just ruined Superbowl commercials forever.

Chevy Sonic is everything I hate about modern cars.

Leave it to Star Wars to keep selling the prequels by using clips of the only good Star Wars movies.

Buy flowers, get butt sex. With girls.

I'm only interested in watching The Avengers to see a good Hulk movie for once.

Tom Brady might be the only guy who can just be perfect when he needs to be.

Why do half-time shows have to suck so much? I hope you all are taking a really long piss right now.

Although some of Madonna's dancers are nuts, like the dude with rubber knee.

At least LMFAO decided to prove that all their songs are the same, and that they're all also the same as old Madonna songs.

More dubstep please.

Why is it that I know it's Cee Lo just by seeing a big fat black dude marching on the stage?

It's just like Vanilla Ice said about banging Madonna, "There ain't fireworks shooting out of her pussy." But there sure is a lot of smoke when you drop her in a dirty hole.

Clint Eastwood is old.

Eh, let's set a few more Super Bowl records. Go pats... That's the face right there. You know which one I'm talking about. Looks like he's about ready to do the no pants dance.

The second half is how I figured the first half would start. Although I do not know what that Hernandez TD dance was all about.

I hate Fiats, but that commercial reminds me a lot of my life.

Is bacon a girl?

I also remember The Darkness.

This is that part of the game where you don't say anything.

Oh snap, Bob's Burgers is on.

I'm only drinking Bud Light Platinums in Las Vegas.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Thursday, January 5, 2012

Found our new dean of admissions for beersexcollege

we should have seen this earlier, because he was the original college dropout. also i expect another 808 and heartbreak soon, gotta love crazy ole kanye. i bet he would be into a school where hennesey 101 is the most popular class.

If you havent checked it out, he just went on this like rant on twitter, its fucking amazing. unfiltered kanye thoughts, and not too crazy either. you can tell he has good intentions, but hes kinda like us, he has good ideas, but just really needs to focus them if they ever want to be more than ideas.