Well the good news is that if the aliens from Battleship ever invade us, we don't have to worry. They're a huge bunch of pussies.
Other than that it was pretty gay. Even the big tittied blonde. They did manage to include sentences like, "Fire missles, A32!" .....dramatic pause....... ,"Damn, Miss! Fire A33!"........"We sunk their battleship!" Then Rhianna would say something black like, "Oh No! Not in my neighborhood, son!" Also the aliens had spiky goatees, no joke. Lizard people with spiky goatees.
On another note, I don't know if you still love to sample crazy strings and sounds, but if you do I found these through the amazing app called Pandora. I give them so many thumbs up and down, they dont know what i like. I like to keep them guessing.
Check This Bad Boy Out for some great strings, early and also around the 2 min mark.
Listen to this for 7 seconds, is that the Kanye Sound?
Also, you need to keep stealing movies. if we dont watch them, who will? I liked a good ole fashion orgy. nice to see someone still making comedys. also their parties remind me of annisquam, the whole movie takes place from memorial day to labor day.
I think it's closer than this one
Good ears
And you gotta keep pandora guessing, otherwise they'll repeat everything