Monday, November 28, 2011

Bird's Eye View Video Outline

From an email sent to my buddy Malcolm, who will be playing Luke in the video

Please offer any all criticism and additions/subtractions/opinions

I really want this to be good. Water outline coming next

Overall story of the project- Luke has decided to forsake that which other hold valuable and travel into the wilderness. Inspired by "Into the Wild," Luke is attempting to obtain a better Bird's Eye View of the world, to find what is most important, and necessary, for true success and happiness. 

Of course, Luke's first thought is to escape civilization, to regress to a simpler way of life. The problem with this is that the world is so overdeveloped, that he has to keep going further and further into the woods to find less and less signs of cilivilization. Whether it's old roads, airplanes, candy wrappers, power lines, etc. each example of society drives him further into the woods, until he has gone so far into the woods that Luke comes back out the other side, right into San Francisco. It is here that Luke has come full circle, and has a new appreciation for modern life, steel, and knows that to be human is to constantly strive for better, to create, to build. It can be done with respect for the past, for nature, for our history.

We fear change, but it is important, and integral, to our evolution to keep growing better, more efficient.

2, 3, 4
-Back of Luke's head, bobbing slowly in the pool, almost to the beat, staring at house. 
(I liked your idea of the album cover homage a lot, and I thought a great way to take it a step further would be to show the "back cover" of the album, i.e. what is going on in the other direction- in this case, what is George looking at. Hopefully we can find a handful more album covers that we can flip like this.)

Head slowly submerges
Cut to
-Luke's eyes just before they go underwater, bubbles, and then stillness, until, facing away from camera, Luke emerges from the pool fully clothed and heads off into the woods. (Shot to be filmed in reverse, with fully clothed Luke walking backwards and dipping into the pool.)

Cut to
-Woods shots: at first excited about the journey, then growing more and more frustrated by lack of untouched nature. 
-Shot of Luke on old abandoned roads, grass growing up through concrete.
-Luke watching a plane fly overhead

Cut to
-Luke emerging from Marin Headlands to see the Golden Gate Bridge, truly admiring it's beauty, while struggling to understand where the rest of the woods are. The naked earth is no more.

Cut to
-HOOK: Luke partying out of the sunroof of the car, flying across the bridge

Cut to - VERSE 2 be continued

Other shots-
Balloon shots on beach, marina
Luke walking down Lombard, jump cuts to speed up travel

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